Monday, May 25, 2009


This week's featured reader is Stephanie.
She has been married to her husband James for seven years. James and Stephanie have one daughter, Kayley. They adopted their adorable little girl domestically in Colorado in 2006. The couple is excited to be on an adoption waiting list again.

Kayley will turn three in July. Of course mom thinks she's smart as a whip!
James is a family medicine doctor at the tail-end of his residency. Stephanie says it's been a long seven years, but totally worth it.

Stephanie stays busy volunteering with her local Families Supporting Adoption group and her daughter's preschool. She's a a stay-at-home mom who loves to unwind by reading. She has a full bookshelf of Harlequin Historicals and Steeple Hills. Stephanie said: "My favorites (aside from YOU-duh) are Carolyn Davidson, Elizabeth Lane, Victoria Bylin and Ana Seymour."

Good taste in authors, Stephanie! LOL

Stephanie's other favorite pastime is blogging. she has always wanted to write, but doesn't think she's very good at it. She claims she prefers to research and then moves onto other topics, instead of stopping and writing about them. She's a life-long learner.
Stephanie loves to travel and learn about history. She recently visited Tombstone and toured the old, and purportedly haunted, Birdcage Theatre and 1880s brothel. Photos are on her blog.

The family is excited to be on an adoption wait list again and welcomes you to visit:

1 comment:

  1. Hi! Thanks so much for posting about us today. I posted about YOU on my blog today in case you want to go check it out!
