Sunday, November 27, 2016

Christmas Tree Decorating Tips

To showcase your ornaments, start with the most important ones. Then hang the largest ornaments, spacing them evenly apart.

If you have an abundance of the same or a few that are grazed with age, you can create depth by hanging those closer to the trunk. Shiny ones deep inside will reflect more light.

Fill in around the bigger ornaments with medium and small sizes, balancing the overall look. Finish with specialty shapes, such as bird clip-ons, flowers, vintage cards or bows. For an interesting variety, include all shapes, from icicles to teardrops and different finishes, like satin and glass.

Try to stick with a theme or color scheme each year. You might enjoy using one of your collections, such as teacups, wooden toys or small framed silhouettes. Just about anything is fair game when selecting a fun theme. These are examples from my Victorian-themed tree.

To see all the Christmas Tree Photos, type Christmas tree in the little search box in the upper lefthand corner of this page and click to search. Blogger will pull all of them up for you.

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